Tuesday, January 19, 2010

Permanently stopping BEEPS from VM

This post is again more of a reminder to myself then anything else.
Don't you also hate it when you get does anoying beeps when you start to work on a new virtual machine? After about an hour of torture I start to think: "what was that command to turn of that beep again?".

To help myself (and anyone else who happens to pass by here) here are the commands:

Permanantly: sc config beep start= disabled
Until first reboot: net stop beep

Wednesday, July 22, 2009

MOSS Themes - Order of loading

There are already some blog posts on the order with wich SharePoint loads its css files. So I won't go into detail on that.

However I want to give you some info on an issue I had not long ago.


Custom Masterpage
Custom Theme on Root site
Other Custom Theme on child that touches some similar styles with other colors


The last css to get loaded was the one of the parent theme


Moving this tag

<SharePoint:Theme ID="Theme1" runat="server"/>

to be in front of

<asp:ContentPlaceHolder id="PlaceHolderAdditionalPageHead" runat="server">

More Info

I used a custom masterpage together with a theme. Because I wanted to do all css with the theme I moved the tag to just in front of the tag.
However when you configure a theme on a subsite it gets placed in the "additional page head" wich caused the above mentioned caution.


When designing your custom masterpage, think twice when moving tags .. and test test test.

Kind regards

Tuesday, July 7, 2009

Going for MCPD Web Developer

After completing the MOSS Configuration examn, i told you all that I didn't know wich would be next. Well .. no I'm here to tell you that Examn: 70-547 (PRO: Designing and Developing Web-Based Applications by Using the Microsoft .NET Framework) is next on my list :)

If anyone has usefull tips about this examn, your welcome to post them here.

I'm planning on using the following book as the basis for my studies. Does it contain enough information combined with the test exam that comes with the book? Or is it required to consult some extra resources?

book cover
MCPD Self-Paced Training Kit [Exam 70-547]: Designing and Developing Web-Based Applications Using the Microsoft .NET Framework

Thursday, July 2, 2009

Extracting assemblies from the Global Assembly Cache: The Options

This is mostly ment as a reminder for myself because I keep forgetting it :)

There are several options:
- Command line copy
- Unregistering shfusion.dll
- Bypassing shfusion without unregistering

The last one is definetly my favorite, Just open the run command box (or quick search box in Vista) and enter the following:
This will open an explorer window while bypassing de shfusion.dll file that limits functionality

Monday, June 29, 2009

Exam 70-630: TS MOSS 2007, Configuration

Friday i went down to the examn center again and passed the 70-630 examn.

If you need a quick moss certification this is certainly a recommendation. If you are used to working and configuring moss, you should have no problem passing this one.

This makes 2 in a month, I'm on a roll :). I'm not sure what the next one will be however.

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